The mobile gambling game has grown enormously due to the massive popularity of smartphones. Modern cell phones resemble mini PCs, with powerful processors and vivid displays, and wireless internet connections that make it possible to stay online wherever you go. For many people, this is the ultimate freedom. In the past, people have been known to slumber through classes or visit casinos just for the sake of relaxation and amusement; now they can do so from the comfort of their homes with the convenience of a small, handheld device.
Unlike the PC, which requires the user to physically log in and access a website, most mobile gambling games are based on standalone apps or responsive websites that can be accessed from any web browser on the phone. These sites often feature secure connections, multiple payment options and a wealth of features to attract players. Many of these casinos also offer free play to allow players to test the waters before making a commitment.
While the mobile gambling game is an increasingly popular form of gaming, it can be difficult for problem gamblers to control their spending. Many of the same psychological factors that influence other forms of gambling are present in this environment, including escapism and reinforcement learning. These factors, when combined with the ease of use and accessibility of mobile devices, create a risky combination for problem gambling.
One of the biggest challenges to controlling your spending in a mobile gambling game is the use of “aggressive marketing.” In the same way that social media and online shopping sites encourage us to buy more, mobile casinos promote their products through targeted offers and incentives. These offers can be hard to resist, especially if you have a history of problem gambling.
Research has shown that associative processes are instrumental in the development of harmful gambling behaviours, and mobile phones are a prime vehicle for these associations to develop. For example, studies of the impact of varying inter trial intervals on perseverative gambling during extinction in a simulated slot machine game have found that longer inter trial intervals are associated with higher rates of persisting in losses at lower rates of reinforcement.
In addition to the psychology of associative learning, research has also shown that mobile casino games are a source of aspirational rewards and reinforcers. In a recent study, researchers found that participants who were exposed to aspirational images of jackpots and luxury vehicles while playing a mobile gambling game were more likely to increase their bet size in the future than those who did not.
Mobile gambling is a huge industry, and it is expected to continue to grow as more consumers adopt new technology. In the future, people will be able to place wagers on sporting events and horse races from the comfort of their homes or while they are in transit. This will be made possible through 3G networks that can handle the large volumes of data involved. The same technology will also make it possible to use virtual currency in real life casino venues, allowing users to experience the excitement of a brick and mortar casino without ever leaving home.