Problem Gambling and How Friends and Family Can Help


Problem gambling is a serious condition that requires help and support to overcome. Often, this requires the individual to make the decision to stop gambling, but support and encouragement from friends and family can help them get there. Those close to problem gamblers can encourage them to seek help, enroll them in a class, or volunteer for a cause. They can also join peer support groups such as Gamblers Anonymous, a 12-step recovery program. This includes finding a sponsor, a former gambler who can provide guidance and support.

If you are a problem gambler, a good place to start is an online help service called BetterHelp. This online help service matches people who suffer from gambling addiction with qualified therapists. Taking the quiz will help you find a professional to help you overcome your gambling addiction. While admitting to yourself that you are a problem gambler can be uncomfortable, it is important to remember that there are many other people who have overcome the problem and are willing to help you.

Problem gambling is a serious disorder that can affect anyone. In addition to ruining a person’s finances and relationships, the problem can also affect the person’s quality of life. If the problem is severe enough, it can lead to legal issues, job losses, and mental health issues. The person may even resort to stealing money to fund their gambling habit.

If you suspect a gambling problem in a loved one, try to intervene. If possible, try to talk to the person directly. While it may be difficult for someone who has a gambling problem to approach a parent or a close friend, it is never too late to start the intervention process. Even if the person is already an adult, he or she can make changes in his or her behavior if the problem is discovered early enough.

Family members need to be aware of the impact gambling has on family relationships. The situation can be incredibly challenging and can make family members feel guilty. Reaching out for help and support can help them feel less alone. Setting boundaries with how to manage money can help the problem gambler stay accountable and prevent a relapse. Family members can be an important support system for problem gamblers, and it is essential to ensure that they do not become financially burdened by the problem.