Domino is a small rectangular block of wood or plastic, marked with dots resembling those on dice. It is used to play games and construct artistic creations, such as domino art or structures that form pictures when they fall. A domino set typically contains 28 tiles.
Dominoes are often used for positional games where one player plays a domino by placing it edge to edge against another, either touching the exposed ends or forming a line with the values shown on both sides of the tile (e.g., five to five). The value on the exposed end of a domino is called its rank or weight. A higher ranking domino has more spots, or pips, than a lower ranking one.
The earliest use of dominoes dates to the mid-18th century in Italy and France. They were later introduced into England. By the early 19th century, dominoes were in wide use throughout the world.
Whether you play domino on the go with a mobile app or at home on your desktop, you’ll need a reliable platform to connect your tools and data sources. The Domino catalog lists integrations that have been certified by IBM and verified by third parties. It also includes code-first APIs that let you connect with other tools and technologies.
The Domino Effect states that when a person makes one change in his or her behavior, it will trigger a chain reaction that causes other related changes in behavior. For example, if someone begins to exercise more regularly, it may lead to an increase in the amount of healthy food they consume each day. This may result in a decrease in their overall fat intake, even though they weren’t necessarily trying to lose weight or improve their diet.
Lily Hevesh started playing with her grandparents’ classic 28-piece domino set when she was 9. It wasn’t long before she was creating spectacular domino art on YouTube. She now has more than 2 million subscribers to her channel, Hevesh5.
She creates complex curved lines and 3D structures such as towers and pyramids, using both paper templates and the bricks themselves. Before Hevesh starts constructing a project, she tests it in sections to make sure each element works. She uses slow-motion videos to make precise adjustments.
As a young child, Hevesh loved to watch the entire domino chain fall after she tipped the first piece ever so slightly. She’s now a master at this and uses her skills to create amazing setups for movie and TV shows, as well as events for Katy Perry and other pop stars.
When creating a novel, it’s helpful to think of the story’s plot in terms of the domino effect. Regardless of how you structure your book’s plot—whether it’s off the cuff or carefully planned out—thinking about the way the domino effect works can help you tell a compelling story.